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DEMMELER Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Alpenstraße 10
87751 Heimertingen

Tel: +49 (0) 8335 / 9859-0

KNOLL Maschinenbau GmbH – 
Automated welding of small batch sizes through to series production

As one of the leading suppliers of pumping and filtration systems for chips and coolants, KNOLL Maschinenbau is the hidden champion of the metalworking sector. Ultra-flexible transport systems round off their product range. The production facilities of the Bad Saulgau-based company, which boasts approximately 1100 employees, are an impressive sight: Driverless transport systems automatically bring finished parts to the large-scale storage system; all workstations are configured with a standardised and process-oriented approach. "We started to configure our workstations in accordance with lean principles as early as 2006," explains Joachim Riebsamen, head of the Structural Work department at KNOLL.

The front workspace (SPACE A) is further divided by a partition wall to create an additional workspace for three-station operation. While the robot is welding, the operator can set up and reclamp. 

Skills shortage in the welding sector

Joachim Riebsamen and Holger Kleck, Master of the Welding Shop at KNOLL, saw further potential for automation in certain manual welding workstations. The shortage of skilled welding professionals also played a certain role in this process. "Robotics technology substantially increases the attractiveness of welding as a career," Kleck states. Introduction of the COBOT WeldSpace 4.0® TABLE 24/12 welding cell from DEMMELER was very smooth: Whether it is used for welding thin aluminium plates or for steel production, the system is easy to set up at the appropriate place and can be put into operation after just a few hours. The ease of programming and high flexibility of the system enable automated welding of workpieces to be carried out very quickly. This means that both large series and small runs can be produced cost-effectively. "Our day-to-day business is batch size 1 production," Joachim Riebsamen confirms. With its cost-effectiveness, quick commissioning and compact size, the COBOT welding cell is perfect for small and medium companies.

The COBOT WeldSpace 4.0® TABLE 24/12 can create weld seams to a reproducibly high quality at any time.

The "LEGO" system for metalworking: The 3D welding table and clamping systems from DEMMELER can be integrated and expanded easily thanks to their modularity and flexibility.

Innovative partner for the future

The long-standing partnership between KNOLL and DEMMELER began in 2001. "It all started when we equipped a few of our welding workstations with the DEMMELER 3D welding tables and collaborated to develop devices. Some of them are still used by us today," explains Joachim Riebsamen. The modularity of the 3D welding table system was extremely beneficial for introducing the lean concept. "We need substantially fewer tools like templates and gauges to precisely fix components in place. We simply use the hole matrix on the welding table to guide us. Out robotic systems also mostly enable us to do without any additional devices,“ emphasises Holger Kleck. The multifunctional tool means that far less equipment is needed to clamp workpieces. This reduces investment costs and saves storage capacity.

"Intuitive and quick programming enables cost-effective automated welding of our products."

Holger Kleck, Master of the Welding Shop at
KNOLL Maschinenbau GmbH

KNOLL Maschinenbau GmbH 
Schwarzachstraße 20 
88348 Bad Saulgau · GERMANY