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DEMMELER Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Alpenstraße 10
87751 Heimertingen

Tel: +49 (0) 8335 / 9859-0

Stahlbau Füss GmbH –
Flexible solutions for flexible steel construction

Stahlbau Füss produces steel structures of all kinds on over 500 m² of space. Hall construction for renowned industrial customers in the region is a focal point. Stairs, balconies and sophisticated custom structures are also produced for private applications. For municipal clients, Füss realises bicycle and pedestrian bridges among other things. This broad service portfolio not only requires experienced planners and technicians but also machinery and equipment that is flexible enough so that railings can be produced one day, followed by supporting structures for halls the next.

Perfect accessories for costefficient working

Stahlbau Füss has been building on and with system tables and components from Demmeler for many years. The sophisticated and flexible system of tables and accessories has proven itself many times over. Should the limits of feasibility nevertheless be encountered at times, the developers and consultants at Demmeler are ready to contribute their technical expertise and experience, identifying possible solutions. For sophisticated steel construction and the implementation of unusual ideas at marketable conditions, owner Peter Sikora at Stahlbau Füss counts on machinery and equipment from Demmeler.

Stahlbau Füss GmbH
Riedstraße 23
72511 Hitzkofen