DEMMELER Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Alpenstraße 10
87751 Heimertingen
Tel: +49 (0) 8335 / 9859-0
Vpenjalni sorniki Demmeler so osrednji izdelek, ki je splošno veljavno primeren za vse vpenjalne sisteme. Celotnemu sistemu zagotovi moč in varnost. Za optimalno uporabo nudimo različne izvedbe za različne uporabe. Neodvisno od konkretne uporabe je na ta način tudi pri lahkih do srednjih jeklenih konstrukcijah, pločevinastih konstrukcijah in proizvodnji naprav z majhno močjo pritrjevanja zagotovljena visoka stabilnost.
PPC-bolt, short
Highest clamping force with large stroke. Polygon expansion elements are full-faced, force-locked, and exactly self-centring
Price on requestplus VAT
PPC-bolt, long
Highest clamping force with large stroke. Polygon expansion elements are full-faced, force-locked, and exactly self-centring
Price on requestplus VAT
PPC-countersunk bolt, short
Easy, comfortable clamping through optimised force distribution in the polygon expansion segments, ideal for DEMMELER power screwdriver
Price on requestplus VAT
PPC-countersunk bolt, long
Easy, comfortable clamping through optimised force distribution in the polygon expansion segments, ideal for DEMMELER power screwdriver
Price on requestplus VAT
Power screwdriver with quick-change coupling
Cordless impact screwdriver with defined torque
Price on requestplus VAT
PC-bolt, short
Very high clamping force due to planetary gear effect, force-fit and form-fitting, with clamping range
Price on requestplus VAT
PC-bolt, long
Very high clamping force due to planetary gear effect, force-fit and form-fitting, with clamping range
Price on requestplus VAT
PC-countersunk bolt, short
Countersunk bolt head (no interfering edges), with clamping range
Price on requestplus VAT
PC-countersunk bolt, long
Countersunk bolt head (no interfering edges), with clamping range
Price on requestplus VAT
FCP-bolts with handle
Defined adjustment position and optimum implementation to ensure constant maximum clamping force
Price on requestplus VAT
Stop and positioning bolts
For marking the system components, also as adapter for system 16 screw clamps
Price on requestplus VAT
EcoLINE bolt, short
Simple version without clamping range, connecting element for system components
Price on requestplus VAT
EcoLINE bolt, long
Simple version without clamping range, connecting element for system components
Price on requestplus VAT
Connection bolt, short with screw
For use as long-term connection, with self-centring countersunk head on both sides
Price on requestplus VAT
Connection bolt long, with screw
For use as long-term connection, with self-centring countersunk head on both sides
Price on requestplus VAT
Connecting bolt, short with collar
For use as long-term connection, for connecting two system components
Price on requestplus VAT
Adapter for PC-bolt D16 to D28 / D16 to D22
Compatibility for tools from D28 | D22 | D16
Price on requestplus VAT
- Zelo hitro vpenjanje in sproščanje vpenjalnih elementov
- Oblikovni mehanski vprijem s površinskim stikom z nasprotno naležno površino
- Prijazen do materiala tudi pri uporabi aluminijastih oz. plastičnih elementov – brez deformacij izvrtin sistema
- Nizka občutljivost na umazanijo saj so občutljivi deli, npr. vpenjalni navoj itd., v celoti obdani z O-obročem
- Izjemno robusten iz visokokakovostnega kaljenega jekla, največja natančnost zaradi brušene izvedbe
- Zagotovljena dolga življenjska doba pri vsakdanjih vrstah uporabe
Stožec namesto krogle – več moči, manj obrabe: Zahvaljujoč novemu pritisnemu sistemu s stožcem dosežejo sorniki PPS podjetja Demmeler 100-krat večjo stično površino. To ima za posledico precej višji pritisni tlak in s tem bolj zanesljivo pritrjevanje obdelovancev. Poleg tega enakomerna porazdelitev sile zmanjšuje obrabo izvrtin v primerjavi s konvencionalnimi sorniki.
10 x hitrejši od običajnih izvijačev! Zasnovano posebej za uporabo s PPS-sorniki:
- Z DEMMELER sistemom zaklepa med PPS-sornikom in udarnim izvijačem sta vstavljanje in pritegovanje ter sproščanje in odtegovanje sornika možno z le eno roko. Tako imate drugo roko vedno prosto
- Najmanjša potrebna moč za največje sile vpenjanja
- Preprosto, učinkovito vzdrževanje mize s priloženo čistilno ploščo in okroglo ščetko
- Vpenjanje z največjo silo in hitrostjo