DEMMELER Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Alpenstraße 10
87751 Heimertingen
Tel: +49 (0) 8335 / 9859-0
DEMMELER at the 2024 trainee recruiting party in Ungerhausen

The job profiles of industrial mechanic, cutting machine operator, construction mechanic, technical product designer, warehouse logistics specialist, industrial clerk, system administrator, etc. were vividly presented to the numerous interested visitors. The committed DEMMELER employees were able to arouse the curiosity of the interested parties and present the individual job profiles in more detail in informal, informative discussions. The Demmeler cobot welding cell was there live, welding hearts and matchbox sleeves on site, which visitors could also take away as giveaways.
An all-round successful event. The DEMMELER team is delighted with the contacts made with applicants and is already looking forward to the 2025 trainee recruiting party.